Wednesday, 23 December 2020
Tuesday, 22 December 2020
Monday, 21 December 2020
Saturday, 19 December 2020
REVIEW: WFC Generations Selects Tigertrack

You know what’s weird? It really wasn’t all that long ago that genuinely no-one really gave a monkey’s about a character like Tigertrack. Seriously, the lad has only been part of Transformers since 2003, and even then it wasn’t until 10 years later when he got his own Masterpiece toy that a few people sat up and said, “Who?”
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Generations Selects,
TFSource Reviews,
Friday, 18 December 2020
Thursday, 17 December 2020
Wednesday, 16 December 2020
REVIEW: Ocular Max PS-04A Azalea Alternative

Welcome to the second part of our Masterpiece Burning Convoy review! If you missed part one then be sure to check that out first (as well as our recent unboxing video on the toy) before joining us as we take a look at the figure’s transformation and robot mode below. Maximize!
Friday, 11 December 2020
Thursday, 10 December 2020
REVIEW: Generation Toy GT-11 Red Bull

In a world where it often seems like we’re doomed to repeat the same few years of Generation 1 Transformers to ever-increasing levels of slavishness, it’s always nice when things get mixed up a little from time to time. Step forward T-Beast, which is an unofficial book of artwork that reimagines various classic characters in new animalistic form, putting a bit of a fresh spin on an already-familiar set-up. Observe!
Wednesday, 9 December 2020
Monday, 7 December 2020
REVIEW: WFC Earthrise Alternate Universe Optimus Prime

Of all the many toylines I can think of, there aren’t many that make a habit of portraying their key characters in corpse form. I can’t imagine why, but it almost seems like that sort of thing could be a bit of a difficult sell – who can say? Anyway, here’s Transformers giving it a go with “Alternate Universe” Optimus Prime, which, let’s be fair now, is just a fancy way of saying that this is the dead body of the iconic Autobot leader in toy form. Happy times!
Sunday, 6 December 2020
Saturday, 5 December 2020
Friday, 4 December 2020
Wednesday, 2 December 2020
Tuesday, 1 December 2020
Monday, 30 November 2020
Friday, 27 November 2020
Wednesday, 25 November 2020
Tuesday, 24 November 2020
Monday, 23 November 2020
Friday, 20 November 2020
REVIEW: Ocular Max PS-13 Saltus

I feel a bit like a one-man marketing machine for Ocular Max at the moment. It seems that not a day goes by without me pumping out yet another rave report about some new product they’ve produced or whatever, but hey – who can blame me when it’s as great as some of the stuff we’ve seen from them recently, eh? Well today it’s nothing to do with their Combaticons but it is still something very exciting indeed. Here’s Saltus!
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Ocular Max,
PS-13 Saltus,
TFSource Reviews,
Third Party
Wednesday, 18 November 2020
REVIEW: DX9 D13 Montana

Welcome to the second part of our Masterpiece Burning Convoy review! If you missed part one then be sure to check that out first (as well as our recent unboxing video on the toy) before joining us as we take a look at the figure’s transformation and robot mode below. Maximize!
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D13 Montana,
TFSource Reviews,
Third Party
Thursday, 12 November 2020
Wednesday, 11 November 2020
Tuesday, 10 November 2020
Thursday, 5 November 2020
Wednesday, 4 November 2020
Thursday, 29 October 2020
Wednesday, 28 October 2020
Tuesday, 27 October 2020
Friday, 23 October 2020
Wednesday, 21 October 2020
REVIEW: Ocular Max PS-16 Volatus

In-between eating, sleeping and occasionally saying hello to my family, I feel like my life has essentially been overrun by Combaticons of late. With all five members of the Ocular Max take on the team having arrived in such swift succession, that’s perhaps no great surprise, but besides, it’s not like I haven’t been happy for it. I mean, just have a look at the likes of Volatus, for starters.
REVIEW: Ocular Max PS-13 Impetus

In case I haven’t mentioned it recently, I’ve been really enjoying those new Ocular Max Combaticons. Oh, I may have said something? Well, forgive me, as we’re not done yet, and especially not when they make such a first impression as Impetus here!
Thursday, 15 October 2020
Wednesday, 14 October 2020
Friday, 9 October 2020
Thursday, 4 June 2020
REVIEW: TakaraTomy Masterpiece MP-38+ Burning Convoy

Welcome to the second part of our Masterpiece Burning Convoy review! If you missed part one then be sure to check that out first (as well as our recent unboxing video on the toy) before joining us as we take a look at the figure’s transformation and robot mode below. Maximize!
Wednesday, 27 May 2020
Wednesday, 20 May 2020
#GCWO: The Great Cybertronian Write Off (part 6)

It's almost hard to believe that this last week we hit the 40th(!) entry in the ongoing GCWO - how time flies when you're waxing nostalgic about vintage toys, eh? Anyway, if you're still not sure just what I'm banging on about then allow me to enlighten you, as The Great Cybertronian Write Off is fast becoming the new hot thing on the internet!
Thursday, 14 May 2020
REVIEW: FansToys FT-41 Sheridan

It’s time for another third party Transformers review, and today we’re taking a look at FansToys’ latest offering with FT-41 Sheridan! This is of course their take on a Masterpiece-styled Warpath and is already causing quite a bit of reaction online. Does it live up to the hype or is it just all overblown noise? Let’s find out.
#GCWO: The Great Cybertronian Write Off (part 5)

By now anyone who's anyone must surely be aware of The Great Cybertronian Write Off, no? You're not? Well it's all very simple - I've teamed up with TFSquareOne and Toybox Soapbox to publish a mini-review on a different G1 toy every day using our respective social media accounts under the hashtag #GCWO. Here I've handily summarised the fifth week's entries collected in one place (although you'll need to check out the other chaps' blogs to see their contributions in full stunning detail).
Friday, 8 May 2020
UNBOXING: FansToys FT-41 Sheridan

New FansToys figures are always a reason to get excited, and today we’re taking a look at none other than FT-41 Sheridan, intended to be a Masterpiece-styled Warpath! I’ve been really looking forward to this toy for a good while now, so how does it measure up? Check out the unboxing video below for my first impressions.
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FT-41 Sheridan,
TFSource Reviews,
Third Party,
Wednesday, 6 May 2020
REVIEW: Devil Saviour DS-01 Split

I can honestly say I’ve been relishing this one, foolishly or not. Ever since Devil Saviour Split first made it into people’s hands it’s only fair to say that opinions on him have been decidedly mixed (pun very much intended), so I was keen to have a crack myself and see what all the fuss was about. Is he a bold new frontier, taking us on the first step toward high-end third party Bay-combiner bliss, or he it the end of days, an unofficial toy so helplessly and hopelessly fiddly that it makes us want to rage-quit the entire hobby. Judging by what I’ve seen online whichever assessment I agree with it’s unlikely to be a split decision (OK I’ll stop now).
Thursday, 30 April 2020
#GCWO: The Great Cybertronian Write Off (part 4)

In case you've somehow missed it, I've teamed up with a couple of other Transformers fans to form The Great Cybertronian Write Off. Together with TFSquareOne and Toybox Soapbox, the goal is to publish a short retrospective on a different G1 toy every day using our respective social media accounts under the hashtag #GCWO. Below you can see the fourth week's collected in one place (although you'll need to check out the other chaps' blogs to see their entries in full stunning detail).
Tuesday, 21 April 2020
#GCWO: The Great Cybertronian Write Off (part 3)

Over the last few weeks I've published summaries of the daily social media activity I've been involved with as part of The Great Cybertronian Write Off (or #GCWO as the kids undoubtedly say). Along with both TFSquareOne and Toybox Soapbox the goal is to publish a short retrospective on a different G1 toy every day using our respective social media accounts under the hashtag #GCWO. Below you can see the third week's collected in one place (although you'll need to check out the other chaps' blogs to see their entries in full stunning detail).
Wednesday, 15 April 2020
REVIEW: TakaraTomy Masterpiece MP-48 Lio Convoy

It seems like we’ve had a few new Masterpiece toys to review of late, with both MP Hound and Bumblebee being given the treatment just recently. Well now it’s that time again except now we’re back on a Beast Wars kick, which is pretty exciting as they’re typically some of my favourites from the line! But wait, this one is a bit of a twist as it’s a character from Beast Wars II – it’s Lio Convoy!
Tuesday, 14 April 2020
#GCWO: The Great Cybertronian Write Off (part 2)

Last week I published the first summary of GCWO activity - or rather, The Great Cybertronian Write Off if you're not entirely caught up on proceedings! The plan is pretty simple. I've partnered up with both TFSquareOne and Toybox Soapbox to between us publish a short retrospective on a different G1 toy every day. They're all being shared on our respective social media accounts (using the hashtag #GCWO), but below you can see the second week's collected in one place (although you'll need to check out the other chaps' blogs to see theirs in full stunning detail).
Monday, 13 April 2020
UNBOXING: Devil Saviour DS-01 Split

I’ve been tremendously excited to take a look at Devil Saviour Split in hand for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the idea of an MPM-scale combined mode Devastator is just too much for words! Secondly, the finish on the toy looks great in photos. And finally, the reception to him has been decidedly mixed (pun very much intended), so I wanted to make up my own mind.
Thursday, 9 April 2020
UNBOXING: TakaraTomy Masterpiece MP-48 Lio Convoy

I’ve been looking forward to this toy for… well, since it was unveiled really! I’ve always loved the Lio Convoy design and so the idea of a fully-fledged Masterpiece version was always going to be something to get excited about. Besides, just look at it!
Tuesday, 7 April 2020
#GCWO: The Great Cybertronian Write Off (part 1)

There was an idea... to bring together a group of remarkable people. To see if they could become something more. To see if they could work together when we needed them to. To photograph the toys that we never could.
Which is a very pretentious and grandiose way of saying that a group of us decided to band together and share a bunch of pics and some mini-reviews of classic Generation 1 Transformers toys!
Tuesday, 31 March 2020
REVIEW: X-Transbots MX-12A Gravestone

I love it when a plan comes together, but I especially love it when a 3PMP combiner team comes together. Yep, we’re almost at the end of the road, folks, as X-Transbots bring us one step closer to a complete not-Stunticon line-up with the largest release yet – Gravestone! But wait, if this is the final character in the team, how’re we not done yet? Well read on and we’ll find out what that’s all about, as well as assessing if this lad is a good choice to take the Motormaster spot on your shelf. Toot toot!
Wednesday, 25 March 2020
REVIEW: FansToys FT-31A Roadking

We all know by now that the Masterpiece scene moves in waves, and currently just about every unofficial outfit going is on a major combiner kick. We’ve had Combaticons galore, a couple of Aerialbots, at least a dozen (maybe not) Predacons and I’ve lost count of Constructicons. Well now we’re well into Stunticon territory, as FansToys bring us one of the current three attempts by different third party outfits at a Motormaster. Is he the king of the road as the name suggests? Read on and let’s see.
Saturday, 21 March 2020
REVIEW: DX9 K3 La Hire

Bayformers. You either love them or hate them. Or at least that appears to be the case when gauging opinions on the Internet. Yet even if the aesthetic turns you cold there’s perhaps no denying that the third party scene has done some impressive things to bring a number of those designs to 3D form in recent times, and no one company has been leading the pack more than DX9. Oh wait, I meant Unique Toys. Ah, sorry, same thing.
Thursday, 19 March 2020
REVIEW: TakaraTomy Masterpiece MP-45 Bumblebee

Prepare yourself – it’s time to take a look at another TakaraTomy Masterpiece release, which means opinions are incoming! As with every new toy in the line, MP-45 Bumblebee has been met with both delight and disgust, although perhaps not quite in the ratio we might normally expect. Whatever your personal take there’s no doubt that everyone has their own thoughts on this little guy – even me!
Tuesday, 18 February 2020
REVIEW: FansHobby MB-16 Lightning Eagle

It was only recently that I was sat here typing up a review for Fans Hobby’s God Armour add-on for their Power Baser mould that now we’re back again, this time with a redesign of that original toy in spectacular ’90s colours! Yep, it’s time to look at Lightning Eagle, the first take on what could be considered a Masterpiece-styled Thunderclash.
Monday, 10 February 2020
REVIEW: TakaraTomy Masterpiece MP-19+ Smokescreen

The TakaraTomy Masterpiece line have been pumping out so called “Plus” repaints for a while now, with the first one being MP-14+ Red Alert all the way back in 2016. For most of the releases the ethos has been the same – re-release older moulds with a new coat of paint and a few other tweaks to bring them further in line with the more recent MP toys and, in particular, the ulltra-toony aesthetic that’s been adopted. Smokescreen is arguably the last on the roster to receive such a treatment, so let’s take a look at how he shapes up.
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TFSource Reviews
Thursday, 6 February 2020

I’ve been compiling “best of” lists of my favourite new toys from each year for a good while now, but it was only last year that I decided to do a similar thing by rounding up my top vintage purchases over the previous twelve months. It provided a welcome opportunity to re-examine some of the best stuff I’d picked up and was without doubt one of the most fun exercises of the year for me as a collector, so I’m thrilled to repeat the process this year!
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Annual Review,
Collection Review,
Generation 1,
Top 10
Tuesday, 4 February 2020
REVIEW: TakaraTomy Masterpiece MP-47 Hound

It might sound incredible but we’re now in the 17th year of the Transformers Masterpiece line, making it far and away the longest continuously-running part of the franchise. Yet the design philosophy has evolved so much in that time that the move in recent years to a more slavishly cartoon-accurate aesthetic has been divisive among fans to say the least. Well today we’re looking at the latest entry in the ranks with MP-47 Hound to see if he’s a good boy or something that should be sniffed at. Let’s find out!
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MP-47 Hound,
TFSource Reviews
Monday, 27 January 2020
REVIEW: Fans Hobby MB-11 God Armor

It was only a couple of weeks ago that I was publishing my review of the first version of this toy out of the gate – Fans Hobby’s MB-11A God Armor – but now we’re back looking at the mould in its more traditional red and blue colour scheme. Some might say that it’s a slightly strange move from Fans Hobby to drop one so soon after the other, but I’m still marvelling at how much fun the original version is so I’m more than happy to give this new one a spin too! Let’s dive right in.
Friday, 17 January 2020

It’s that time of year again. You know, the bit when we all sit back and reflect on the last 12 months of collecting and try to pick out our favourite toys of the year. If you’re at all present in the Transformers online fandom then you’ll be immediately familiar with such lists, although the frequency doesn’t make me enjoy them any less. You see, I love looking back, evaluating and assessing what I picked up, and attempting to put it into some kind of meaningful order. In many ways it’s one of the bits of collecting I enjoy the most! The chance to reflect on another year gone by, not to mention re-evaluate the wonderful stuff that was amassed during that time, eh?
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Annual Review,
Collection Review,
Third Party,
Top 10
Thursday, 9 January 2020
REVIEW: Fans Hobby MB-11A God Armor

Fans Hobby have quickly established themselves in the world of third party Transformers, and have already proven that they can pump out solid yet fun & enjoyable designs. Better yet, their choice of characters is often not just the “same old, same old”, as evidenced by the new MB-11 God Armor, which could be considered the first attempt at a Masterpiece-styled Godbomber. But wait, who exactly is that anyway? Well, we’ll get to that and more as we take a look at this exciting new release!